Three Types of Integrations

Selecting an integration

Once you have the baseline information sorted out, this is how the types of integrations compare with each other. You should be able to accomidate most needs in the first two categories, and only when you truly need the system of record should you target that type of integration. You will notice that even in the first two, there are only a couple of API calls required to be up and running. From there, you can expand the functionality based upon your needs and desired business functionalities.

Purely Claims Accounts System of Record
API or File-based options API Required

  • Simplest to start
  • Single (or few) Products
  • No need for a longer historical view
  • Baseline simple strategy
  • No agents, or narrow view per-claim is fine

  • More feature depth
  • Multiple Products that should be linked
  • The need for a longer-term view
  • Multiple scopes needed: accounts, products, debtors, claims
  • A flexible data hierarchy for those scopes needed
  • Multi-Claim strategies (account level)
  • Deeper agent functionality desired

  • Need for a full ledger
  • Need for accounting-style setup
  • Full loan lifecycle management
  • receeve is managing completely restructuring and other complex issues
API Calls

Must Have's

  • create claims
  • update claims
  • resolve claims


  • pause strategies
  • resume strategies

Must Have's

  • create claims
  • update claims
  • resolve claims

Strongly Recommended

  • create accounts
  • update accounts


  • pause strategies
  • resume strategies

Must Have's

  • create accounts
  • update accounts
  • Add account ledger entries
Do Not Use
  • Add account ledger entries
  • create claims
  • resolve claims